Sabtu, 07 April 2012

Book : Membuat Game Aritmetika dengan Flash

Teach mathematics / arithmetic to children is sometimes difficult and tiring. Though math is vital capital for a child. However, for some children are learning math or something scary. This perception must be changed and make sure that math is fun.

Through this book you will be taught how to make an arithmetic learning program for children using the program Flash (Macromedia Flash) so the arithmetic will be impressed as a game and not something scary. You will learn to program simple arithmetic such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. With the tutorials provided by this book, you will not find difficulty in making its programs, especially for users who still lay Flash.

In addition you can develop a program to be like a game of arithmetic such as adding a timer professional game, highscore, and so forth. Games will look more attractive to children so that will be more diligent in learning mathematics, especially if there is a nice tool like this game.

You will feel more satisfied as to the experience of making a computer program for your child's own learning.

Book Details
Author                            : Diginnovac, A.Zainul Fanani, Diana Hardiyanti
Publisher                         : Elex Media Komputindo
Publish Year                    : 2009
Number of Pages            : 223 pages
Bonus                             : CD contains sample files and the arithmetic game practice file

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